Trials & Tribulations of Tracking Michael Reeves' uploads
Hi, it’s been awhile since I last wrote about something. I recently created a timer to track how long it’s been since Michael Reeves last uploaded, since the time of writing it’s been at least 9 months now. Of course, I love his content and it’s been a real inspiration for me. Here’s the original explanation for the process I went through in making this website link to the website...
The making of Valorant Throws
This will give an insight into how I came to solve a problem I was having as of late. Click here to go to the website! The Problem Valorant came out and I was absolutely obsessed with it. It’s a 5v5 tactical shooter similar to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (or CS:GO for short). Valorant, like CS:GO, has the capacity to throw grenades across the map to set up strategies and gain an advantage by blocking vision or damaging enemies....
Learning From Project 0 in Algorithms & Data Structures
This project was meant to be a sort of “refresher” or opportunity for students to assess their knowledge obtained from the prerequisite class, but I did not feel like I was prepared for this at all. I won’t be saying what exactly the prompt was for this project, but essentially it was to recreate the String class in C++. Seems easy enough, right? No, you were so wrong. After finishing this project, here’s what I learned:...
Object Oriented Programming
In this post, I’ll be giving a quick primer on Object Oriented Programming or OOP. This explanation will be using Python - each programming language has its own nuances and syntax for the various things explained in here. Base Definitions and Knowledge Objects -> essentially the same definition as a regular object, an entity that can be acted upon Classes -> these are the blueprints for objects – these are referred to when creating a new object...
HTML tutorial for the complete beginner
Here, we’ll be covering the basics of HTML straight from scratch, for those who are just beginning to learn about it. Special shoutout to 2019 Curry TIP for prompting me to make this guide, hopefully ya’ll find this useful and informative. Getting Set Up Here’s what you’ll need to get started on using HTML: a text editor - I recommend using Brackets, but you can use any, even notepad would work....
What is polymorphism?
Polymorphism is considered an important part of OOP (Object Oriented Programming), and understanding/using it/explaining it will definitely be useful in the future. Disclaimer: Honestly more than anything, this is for my own benefit so I am able to explain these concepts accurately and easily. Definition A quick Google search brings up this: the ability of an object to take up many forms Dynamic Polymorphism In a class hierarchy, many objects share a common method or trait, but have different behaviors associated with each subclasses’ method or trait....
My first blog post
This marks the first original blog post of my own, hopefully this becomes something that I carry one with. As of right now, I’m planning on writing about whatever programming concepts I learn, various Unity shenanigans, and any productivity hacks or plans that I’ll be testing out. Stay awhile, hope you find my writing entertaining and easy to read!